Sun Without Light
In 1903, in the Indian city of Hyderabad, we meet three young men: the noble Englishman Robert Mann, the son of a very wealthy family; Aidrous Saleh Aidrous the Arab, son of a middle-class family, and Indian Raja Parhab Jador, the son of an extremely poor family.
Music professor Asif Omar Qamar El Din, a blind orphan and graduate of the Royal British Conservatory of Music, was able to bring all three together in the House of Music that he founded. In teaching them how to play music, he also taught them how to overcome prejudices and differences, and how to have faith in themselves and their abilities to choose until they can find their own light from within.
Sun Without Light, written by Qatari writer Shamma Shaheen Al-Kuwari, calls for deep contemplation and reflection about the choices we make in our lives.