Qatar and the GCC Countries in the Indian Archives (National Archives, Delhi): 1876 - 1881
This is the third volume in the series "Qatar and the Gulf States in the Documents of the Indian Archive," which contains selections from the National Archives in Delhi. As in the first volume, these documents mainly consist of correspondences, reports, and complaints written by political residents, merchants, sailors, tribal leaders, and Gulf rulers about events that occurred in Qatar and the Gulf states during the period (1876-1881).
This volume contains two hundred and thirty-seven documents. The topics covered include the presence of Indian merchants in Qatar, their commercial activities, and the interactions between Sheikh Jassim and the Ottoman authorities. A large number of these documents address the affairs of various Qatari tribes, such as the Al-Hawajir, Al-Naim, Al-Bu Khawarah, and Al-Qubaysat, as well as their activities in Al-Bida, Al-Zubara, and Bahrain. It also touches upon the issue of Khawr Al-Adid, the British authorities' stance on it, and incidents of piracy along the Qatari coastline and in Khawr Al-Adid.
This volume also includes several condolence letters received by Sheikh Jassim following the death of his father.