Ali at the Majlis
Ali is a smart and book-loving boy, though he is lucky to live in his grandfather's house, in a neighborhood full of relatives, family and friends. Ali's happiest times are during holidays and occasions as he accompanies his grandfather to the majlis—grown-ups assemblies— and listens to elders’ conversations. The more he learns about ancestors’ life and custom details from his grandfather, the prouder he becomes of his country and heritage. If, like Ali, you know the “Ghutra”—a head-cover designed cloth—, the “Egal” —a decoration belt placed around the Ghutra— and the “Bisht” —a traditional black robe worn over the thobe in formal ceremonies—, then let's get to know the rest ‘Al-Janbiyah’—a traditional word for dagger, “Al-Hirbah” —a wooden stick with an iron arrow on its head used for bird hunting—, “Al-Nasaa” — a throwing target usually indicated by pebbles—, as well as horse and camel races!